NeoBux is a free worldwide service available in a multi-language environment.Neobux users click on the advertiser's advertisement and view it during the amount of time specified by the advertiser.After viewing the advertisement, the user gets credited with a pre-determined amount of money in their NeoBux account.Our job is to look at these ads and we get paid for it. But the big earnings doesn't come just from viewing ads(read everything bellow to understand). You don't need to pay a thing to start earning. The only catch is that you will not be making that $100/day right off the bat! The name of this game is patience.
The best way to gain lifetime income with Neobux is by renting referrals and manage them the right way.But as a STANDARD member its too difficult to find profitable Rented Referrals.So your main goal should be to get GOLDEN MEMBERSHIP.You need 90$ or 30000 points to buy it. You can choose either the slow way(without investing) and the faster way that will build your passive income.

step 1 login and complete your profile settings
1.Since you have registered in Neobux, go to neobux.com click on "Login"(up right)
step 2 start earning
2.Complete tasks and offers.
Neobux has a lot of offers and tasks that you can take part in.But be careful to some offers, especially those wich asks you to give your mobile number.Don't take part on these. You can collect coins and points, which are useful or do some mini jobs to earn cash.
step 3 grow extra income
step 5 promote your page-get direct referrals
Direct referrals are people who joined neobux from your Affiliate link. Not only are you compensated for referring others you also get commissions whenever your direct referrals click on PTC Ads, purchase advertising or whenever the upgrade their accounts!
This step should never be stopped.
Strategy no1: Without investing
Step 1. Click all of your ads every day and every once in a while there will be extra ads for you to click, so check in often.(for every ad you click, you collect 1 point+4 adprize chances)
Step 2. Click all Adprize ads, there is a chance you gain points, cash, and golden membership!
Step 3. Complete offers, so you gain more points and coins.You can do also Mini Jobs for faster earnings.
Step 4. When you reach $4 rent 3 referrals and extend them for 150-240 days.
Step 5. Repeat step 4 until you reach 250 rented referrals.
Step 6. When you reach $100 upgrade to Golden membership.
Now you can start earning more money from rented referrals.(see "Step 4" to learn how to manage your referrals)
This strategy is really slow and it takes a lot of time, but when you start earning you know that you haven't spent a little penny.Our best choice is strategy no2 which give you faster a passive income.
Step 1.Dont be afraid to spend money.When I first started I looked at this as a way to make money without an investment. That's great and all if you're a patient person. I'm one of the many that can't wait. I spent 200$ in the first month. This got me a golden membership and 100 rented referrals, which I extended for 240 days.
Step 2. Maintain and extend your referrals for 90-240 days.I prefer 240 days so I have the maximum profit from every single rented referral.You need 0,5 average to have a profit if you extend for 240 days.
Step 3. Recycle dead refs. Set the green zone to 1.1 and the yellow starting at 0.7 This lets you know the statistics and the rented page whether you're losing money(red), breaking even(yellow), or profiting (green). If a user stops clicking, give them 4-5 days.You can use flags to mark some referrals and see their clicking frequency.(example: use red flag for refs that haven't clicked for 6 or more days.
BE CAREFUL though don't lose any great referral. Give time to your refs(at least one month) and then decide what to do with them(extend, recycle or let them expire). Remember they are people just like you. Some of them click every day their ads, others every 2-4 days and some they stop clicking at all. It's in your hand how you manage them and how you judge them.
Step 4. Keep renting referrals and extend them for 150-240 days. Manage them as you did in step 3.
Don't lose your patience though. You might be doubtful but remember that no one earned money without hard work.
Step 5. When you reach 1000 rented referrals(extended for 150-240 days) stop renting anymore.
Step 6. When you earn $290 buy a sapphirre membership(golden pack).
Step 7. Rent more referrals and extend for 240 days
Step 8. When you find the money buy Platinum or Emerald golden pack.
Step 9. Your last goal is to get Ultimate Membership and rent 4000 RR
Step 10. Now you can let Neobux do the rest, and you enjoy your passive income!

Strategy no2: Upgrade to golden membership and rent refferals
useful tips-mistakes to avoid
Most people don’t rent referrals with any type of strategy what-so-ever. That’s why you’re here, to get a strategy. You are different, a studious pupil who thinks before acting. There are 5 common mistakes new Golden Members make:
Renting Too Many Referrals. Don't spend all your money to rent referrals. You need to use half of them to extend your refs so you have a great profit.
Renting a Stupid amount of Referrals. Always have 250,500,750,1000 or above 1250 referrals so you don't lose money. Remember having one more referral or one less give you loss.
Cashout early. Be sure you have money for another golden membership(90$) and enough money to extend all your referrals for 150-240 days.
Give up so early. No one told you that it's an easy job. Remember that you are at your home and your PC, and your own boss. So the money you earn depends on you and only you.
Recycle someone who has 8 or more days to click an ad. Remember with golden membership there is autorecycle for refs that haven't click an ad for 14 days and its free.
We wish you great earnings!
step 4 rent and manage referrals
3.Now you are logged in you neobux account. You have to configure your settings.Go on your left on the screen and click Personal at the Settings.In this section, you can fill all the information you need for Neobux.Don't forget the Payment details.so you can receive your earnings!Fill the mail you have for PayPal or PayZa.
2.Enter your username and password.Secondary password leave it empty.Click "Send".

3.Win AdPrize
For every ad you see, you gain 4adprizes.Click them every day.There is a chance you gain a golden membership(costs 90$) and much more prizes!
There are several ways for you to earn money with Neobux.
1.By viewing advertisements
You earn commissions for every ad you see. The amount per ad ranges from $0.001 and up to $0.02.
-Click "View Advertisements" from the menu

-Click at any ad you want
-A new tab opens..Wait some seconds for timer to load succesfully.
-Click the red dot
You have just earned some money.Click all the advertisements every 24 Hours, and grow your income.Congratulations!Your job is done for today!
The ammount you earn depends on the type of the ad:
Extended: $0,015 - $0,02
Standard: $0,01 - $0.02
Fixed(purple): $0.001
Fixed(orange): $0.001 - $0.02
Mini: $0.005
Micro: $0.001
So, now that you're a registered user, start earning money for free! First of all, you need to pick a strategy and stay with it for the long haul. With a few minutes a day you can really generate a nice income stream with Neobux.
Neobux strategy

payment proofs
But the big earnings doesn't come just from viewing ads and complete offers.The best way to earn more money is "Step 3'.
Payment Processors
